Thursday, October 19, 2006


I should have known. my voice was different than usual. classic sore throat and achy. I had strep, not tonsilitis. I was listening to the automated system for test results that my doctor uses and though I would hear "negative for strep. please continue your antibiotics as prescribed by your doctor".

this time it was "positive for strep. please continue your antibiotics as prescribed by your doctor." not much different, I know, but I tripped because I had Tigrette all on top of me the last few days and sometimes she uses my toothbrush without telling me. I should have known tho : she had a cough about 1 1/2 weeks before I got sick and then got rid of it. We didn't use to call her Typhoid Delhi for nothing - girl knows how to share.

Moreso, I've been thinking too much: I used to have issues with my voice when I was in transition. if that's still the case there's a lot of transition happening!

I'm sleepy. my throat hurts.

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