Sunday, May 22, 2005

feeding poets

The jams writing group had a meeting at my house today to plan the coming out/fundraiser and the food was incredible!

I had to share:

beef empanadas
spinach empanadas
roasted new potatoes (fresh from the ground)
black beans

plus a huge brownie and all sorts of latin american beverages.

I've missed cooking. It wakes up the senses. I felt so happy just to be giving quality time to a slow cooker full of sofrito-seasoned black beans. There's so much food left if you want to try some, give me a call!

The conversation was excellent too, as Maggie is always good at opening up her past and making it relevant today - everything from lesbian separatists to communal kindergartens to porn lines.

More and more, I cherish my friends as family. I knew Delhi felt like that too when yesterday, on the way to her ballet recital, she was recognized by some school friends in the van parked next to us at a stop light on 11th Street.

I don't see Austin as my final stop, but I am starting to feel like it's a place that welcomes me. Very different from the major reason for my initial move here.

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