Thursday, April 14, 2005

Guadalupe Victoria Yoli Raymond vive!

I chose the title and some sayings for this blog in honor of my favorite salsa singer of the 1960s and 1970s : La Lupe.

Lycos has a pretty good bio of her at

Known for her santeria work, her phoenix way of rising from the ashes and and her exhilarating performances, La Lupe remains an icon for women who don't behave. I don't know many others who could compete with her in their need to take off clothing while singing (maybe Alejandra Guzman!).

Take this incredible quote from La Lupe's song, "La Tirana":

Según tu punto de vista, yo soy la mala.
Vampiresa en tu novela, la gran Tirana...
Según tu punto de vista, yo soy la mala,
la que te llegó hasta el alma, la gran tirana . . .
According to your point of view, I am the bad one.
Vamp of your soap opera, the grand tyrant . . .
I am the bad one. The one who reached your soul, the grand tyrant . . .

La Lupe, known for usurping male privilege and defying ideas of femininity and masculine control, still speaks strongly, making her a fitting drag performance favorite even now, despite her death in 1992.

One must play the bad mujer, unfortunately. So often I enjoy being an outsider here in Austin. It allows me to really evaluate how history and individuals connect, especially in East Austin politics and culture. I'm only now making inroads into the communities I admire and want to work with and for. But this outsider space also makes me la tirana. After all, who knows me? How often have I torn my heart out of my body to show my worth?

Maybe I should date women who don't do so damned much in town.

Wow, I think I need some coffee. I'm becoming surreal.

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